An Artist.

An Artist.

In every adult, a child is hidden, that wants to play. It is that small part of us that just never grew up. It is the part of our personality that both reacts and feels childish.

  • It is a part of our subconscious that has been picking up messages way before we can process what was going on (mentally and emotionally). 
  • It holds emotions, memories and beliefs from the past and hopes and dreams for the future. It is a piece of our personality that, regardless of our age, still responds and experiences the emotions of being a child. 
  • As a child, our outlook on life was still a work in progress and remained open to change. Once formed, our perceptions become resistant to change, even when confronted with challenging new insights. 

It is a source of identity which makes our eyes sparkle in awe and amazement as we see love, magic and mystery in the most ordinary things.


Imagination is our ability to explore ideas and concepts that are not present in our current life. It can also be those things our minds yearn to have in our possession.

  • It is living in an imaginary world filled with fantasies. We interact with characters overloaded with physical cuteness and protective mental attributes.
  • Life means attractive colours, friendly characters and enjoyable moments. Our fertile imagination takes us to lands that are beyond human comprehension. 
  • It has no bounds and takes us anywhere in & around the globe, making the whole universe a canvas painted in mesmerising colours.

Every decision, every idea, every seed of opportunity begins with a thought in our mind. We have the choice of recognising and re-imagining it to let the opportunity or idea work in our favour. 

  • Day Dreaming is highly effective when undisturbed by modern electronic devices like mobile phones and computers. We dream about anything we want to in the time scheduled for this activity.
  • The attitude of people around us, the wind in our hair, the sound of our doorbell, the smell of that morning coffee, all these experiences will feed our imagination to the maximum extent possible opening a new world in front of our eyes.

From dancing to painting, the focussed manner in which we perform the same will take us deeper into the same. It makes us travel to a new world that will unfold many magical things in our life.


To be creative is to be human in our unique ways. As a species, we are all naturally creative and crave personal expression. It is the freedom to commit ourselves to the effort and make whatever activity we do our own.

It is the ability to use our minds and imaginations to create something that represents ourselves. It is the language that lives in our hearts and spirit. It emerges when we find the safety to listen to our hearts.

  • There are countless ways to express ourselves creatively, whether through music, visual art, crafting, writing, photography, drama, or movement.
  • When we finish a task, like writing in a journal, knitting a scarf or drawing a cute dog, our brain fills with dopamine. An all-natural anti-depressant that motivates and makes us feel good.
  • It is impossible to be stressed or anxious when we are completely and utterly in the moment, distracted by a captivating novel, cake recipe, art project, photography, poetry or pottery.
  • Creative experiences can help us express and cope with our feelings. It fosters mental growth by providing opportunities for trying out new ideas and new ways of thinking and problem-solving.
  • The ability to be creative, to create something from personal feelings and experiences, can reflect and nurture emotional health.

Creativity helps us relate to each other, address obstacles and challenges in our lives, and even remember how to play. It can be challenging to express who we are, but creativity helps us open to new possibilities.

It is not necessarily art, nor is it representative of any particular skill. It is simply the mental capacity to use our imagination and find joy through personal expression, allowing us the freedom to let go and see what happens.

Movement is Essential.

It’s so simple, yet vital for life: Our bodies are designed to move in all different directions; we run, jump, walk, swim, bend forward, backwards and so on. 

It’s a movement that gives us healthy joints, strong bones, physical strength, good circulation; including cardiovascular circulation, good coordination and reflex reactivity; improved learning skills and concentration, and mental well-being. 

  • Without it, we would deteriorate. Excessive sitting is associated with 35 diseases and conditions such as back pain, obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer and depression. 
  • Our bodies were designed to move, yet how many of us use our bodies to their full potential? How did we evolve into a lifestyle where we spend countless hours sitting and staring at screens?
  • Movement affects every aspect of our health, circulation, digestion, metabolism, immunity, and even our ability to think clearly. The bottom line? We all feel better when we move.
  • Daily movement not only improves our physical fitness but produces chemical changes in our brains stimulating neural pathways and promoting better mental health.

Movement is not about our ability to do ballet touch our toes or throw a baseball. It’s about being in touch with our body, exploring what it can do, and getting to know ourselves from the inside out. 

It’s about feeling butterflies in our gut joy in our chest, and knowing that our body always tells the truth.

An Artist.

An artist is a person who learns the art of living in this world based on their abilities and uses those skills to improve the quality of life for themselves and others.

  • We can articulate our inner voice through art and tell an original story about our personal experiences, background, memories, or ideas and beliefs.
  • The difference between an artist and a layman is the amount of time they invest in improving their artistic skills, enhancing their art style and unique expression, enriching their artwork, and adding a long-lasting value to it.
  • Every successful artist story begins with a work of art that expresses their artistic vision that is relatable and engaging to a broader audience.
  • Staying consistent with a subject matter, a choice of medium and a genuine vision to build a recognisable creation will make the artwork stand out to all.
  • Our experiences, memories, principles, dreams, emotions, and traumas make up the creative journey that is uniquely ours but still relatable to many people, particularly our target fans and audiences.

An array of struggling artists left their masterpieces as a legacy to the art world but died in poverty, unable to sell any of these art pieces while they were alive. 

For example, Van Gogh managed to sell only one painting in his lifetime. Nowadays, Van Gogh’s masterpieces bring in tens of millions of dollars in record-breaking sales in auctions worldwide.


We have so many abilities. The brain has immense potential. The problem is that a child is not aware of it, and school only focuses on two or three of this intelligence. 

  • If the child uses the school intelligence with little enthusiasm and does not find opportunities to use the intelligence that he has, the potential the seed will not germinate. 
  • To be aware of this, children need someone who helps them know themselves, identify their strengths and talents, encourages them to reveal their full potential. 
  • In general, children have very clear interests, and it is enough to follow their enthusiasm to understand which intelligences they have chosen to invest in. To do this, it is important to listen to them and respect them.
  • Potential is like a seed that contains a tree, but we can not see the tree in the seed. It is our strength, the resources we have, and our capacity to fulfil. Thus, everything is possible in a seed. 
  • Every child is born with limitless abilities. All humans are born equipped with a device that allows them to become everything, to learn everything and to adapt to anything. For children, there are no limits. Anything is possible. However, the germination of a seed depends on certain conditions.
  • From the germination of a seed to a tree, this transformation requires an enormous amount of energy and the plant goes through stages where it has to draw on its resources to survive and grow.
  • It seems that the conditions for realising our potential vary from child to child. Some will live in difficult conditions to feel the strength within them. They become aware of their resources, and it is in resilience that they will develop but always with someone who believes in them on their side. 
  • For others, it is in a peaceful and loving environment that they will be able to connect with themselves and realise the power of their inner world. Thus, life has tested us on different but necessary grounds for evolution and the realisation of our potential.
  • Rowan Atkinson, the actor who played ‘Mr. Bean’ chose to act like a fool just to make people laugh, though he had degrees in Engineering. Why? Because he didn’t lose his inner child. But that’s the case with most creative personalities. They can only survive because they decided to embrace their inner child.

An artist gives us a precious gift of love which is the best way to speak kindly without ever saying a word. They are the purest but rarest form of generosity and the one key that fits into the lock of our hearts. They become the heartbeat that never stops, the beauty that never fades and a friend that is always there when we need one.