
The greatest power known to man is that of an unlimited way of being called love.…

Playing above the Rim.

Playing above the rim is an attitude about our skills and abilities. We are playing to a…

Beneath the Mask

Beneath the mask is a phrase that resonates with mystery and excitement. Many of us hide…

A Key (Knowledge Empowers You)

A KEY (Knowledge Empowers You) A key is an opener of locks. Whether it’s a door,…

Solitary Confinement.

Solitary Confinement Solitary confinement is a form of imprisonment distinguished by living in single cells with…

A Navigation Tool.

A Navigational Tool. A compass is a tool for finding direction. A simple compass is a…

What do you see?

What do you see? Simon and Bob wanted to expand their shoe company into a new…

Built not Born.

Built Not Born. Characters are not born but built and formed from a powerhouse called life.…

A Touch of Kindness.

A Touch of Kindness. Kindness is a way love is expressed. A reason love multiplies, and…

Baby Steps.

Baby Steps. Baby steps are the beginning of our journey and not our destination. We never…