
The greatest power known to man is that of an unlimited way of being called love. Through the ages, mystics, singers, and poets have all expressed a ballad and call to love. As humans, we have searched endlessly for the experience of love through our outer senses. Great nations have come and gone under the guise of love for their people.

  • We are without any limit to our thoughts and feelings in life and can create any limits we choose to focus our attention upon. There are infinite imaginative possibilities when we allow our freedom to go beyond our perceived limits. If we can dream it, we can build it. Life through the lenses of love is a wondrous adventure that excites the very core of our being and lights our path with delight.
  • It is the individual potential that resides within each of us in every moment. It merely asks that we approach each moment with clarity, the right perspective and recognise the vast unlimited possibilities to choose a new way of thinking and feeling. Such a sense of profound love comes when we first forgive and accept ourselves for all our limiting beliefs, mistakes, judgement and misunderstanding and apply unconditionally to us personally.
  • We recognise our self-worth, value our talents, and allow ourselves to be who we are rather than what we think others wish us to be. In turn, we naturally understand those around us and extend our helping hand without condition, judgement, or expectation. We see ourselves in the reflection of another and know that everyone deserves love and be loved without condition.
  • By embracing the present moment with openness, we realise and know we have the solutions and answers already within us. We begin building a reality that is based on love, wisdom, and power in perfect balance. For each step we take, we impact the world with this amazing energy of love.

Love turns hope into knowing in a collective reality that is often seen as hopeless or seemingly impossible to overcome. When we know something is possible, we empower this to manifest with our very being. 

So, know from now on that we are loved and loving and see how the world responds to our light and knowledge. Watch how our peace and strength is sought out by others and how the limitless love we must share is the love we receive in return.

A Friend.

A friend is someone who knows the song in our hearts and can sing it back to us when we have forgotten the words. They know us as we are, understand where we have been, accept what we have become and still gently allow us to grow and take care of ourselves. If we had a flower for every time we thought about them, we would walk through a garden forever.

  • It means I am always with you. It is an assurance not the visible presence but the mental peace. We adjust smoothly without understanding and searching for proof of friendship. The pressure of expectation creates holes in friendship, and we give more without any expectation.
  • A friend is mostly dependent on 100% trust, and honesty. Trust is essential for a friendship to develop. We all need someone with whom we can share our lives, thoughts, feelings, frustrations, and joy. We need to be able to share our deepest secrets with someone, without worrying that those secrets will be shared with others. Failing to be trustworthy with those secrets can destroy our friendship.
  • A friend guides us to be positive in every phase of our life. Everybody goes through a time of doubt, anxiety, depression but a true friend will not try to drag us down to them. They may vent to us about our frustrations but, for the most part, they look on the brighter side of life and encourage us to do the same. This quality should be there in our friend.
  • There should be someone in our lives besides our parents, relatives, or partner, with whom we can share our emotions. Sometimes to get something, we must sacrifice too. As no one comes in our life the same or as we want them. We may have to do some adjustments to accommodate them into our life.
  • One should not judge their friend by others’ reviews or should not snatch away from them by listening to others. As true friends we have the right to express our opinion and even more important is that we have the responsibility to guide them on the right path. To accept someone as they are is a learning process in life.
  • A friend is a person who knows who they are. They are a gift to everyone they meet and make everyone around them comfortable. We know they will always have our back because that is the kind of person they are. Everything seems brighter when they are around, and they make us want to be a better person. They inspire us and teach us so much.

Be honest, loyal, humble, helpful, supportive with your friend. Don’t judge them or don’t rule over them. Trust them. Support them in each phase of their life.  And the most important hint: Whatever you do for them, do it unconditionally.

The word Love.

The word love describes intense feelings of affection.  It indicates a great interest in or great pleasure from something or someone.  It’s also a verb towards a person, activity or possession that brings good vibes.  The word describes positive relationships with partners, friends, and family.  The word is a description of activities or things we enjoy.

  • It pops up in both casual and serious conversation.  It pops up during heavy and light emotions.  There are many varieties, depths, and types of love.  We learn about love first-hand from our parents, family, friends, and partners.   We learn from each experience that comes our way.  

  • Life experience and societal norms shape our definition and use of love. We explore and learn about love from our relationships.  We mature and learn about love every day and in every instance as we learn to trust and expand our hearts.  
  • Love is easily spoken and yet, some feelings accompany those words. We must be careful and aware of energies of distortions and intentions that lay behind the words we hear, speak, and read. There is some level of truth in everything we hear.  We must learn to go deeper to sense and feel fuller and to notice truth as vibration within our bodies.  The level of purity or intention is communicated to us as lightness versus density.

  • Love means something different to each person. It carries the vibration of an individual, their values, beliefs, and expectations. We speak and people understand words spoken through their filter. It’s important to understand that love is a concept beyond words. The word in its purest form holds a light vibration and can be loaded with heavy beliefs.  
  • Love is an energy vibration with an open and light feeling.  It is pure in essence and a pause within a kissIt is the whisper of holding another and a soft feather on our cheek. It is present in quiet reflection and a connection without words.  It is precious and priceless without holding any expectations.

Love in its pure form is not an emotion that comes and goes. It is a vibe that resides within us. When combined with romance, creates passion, but when combined with fear, creates insecurity. Love, when combined with need, creates possessiveness, and when entangled with uncertainty creates jealousy. When it’s confused we have drama, but betrayal creates anger.

The energy of love.

The energy of love is pure, light, and lovely. It doesn’t get hung up on right or wrong. It doesn’t judge. It allows us to create a moment, a day, a holiday, an event, a week, a vacation, a marriage and a life with ease, grace, and joy. We discover the energy of love for ourselves by focusing and listening to our hearts.

  • It brings magic into present moments. In those moments, we feel lighter, playful, hopeful, happy, and uplifted. It comes from clear intention, vision, and inner connection. It awakens by choice as we mature, value others, and stop hiding from our truth. 
  • We are here to experience all that comes our way; balance logic with feeling; love ourselves and others; choose powerfully and reach new levels of soul consciousness. Love energy is what reveals itself as we search for depth and understanding. What is learned from external observation or teachings is a far cry from our inner connection to love.
  • Many believe the art of manifesting, leading, and learning comes from our families, schools, meetings, seminars, coaches, or books. The truth is that those sources bring both direction and misdirection.  It’s time to realise that we are the director of this concerto.  Make it a symphony with amazing instrumentals, melodies, and sounds.
  • When we activate our hearts, we facilitate an energetic connection called love energy.  This energetic connection comes from a surrender of rigid thinking and beliefs.  It comes from trusting our intuition and hearts to guide us.  We strengthen and trust this connection with time, intention, and focus.
  • The goal for each of us whether we are conscious of it or not is LOVE.  We want to feel love and to be loved. We think that acceptance, value and worth from society, family or another person brings sustained levels of love. As such, many of us pursue achievement, looks, wealth, acceptance, status, or other external evidence.  We want to prove our value, to feel accepted and prove our worth.
  • We spend whole lifetimes looking and sometimes never feeling love, loved or lovable. Instead, we tend to wear masks, hide our emotions, and feel frustrated at our challenges. These thoughts are in direct opposition to divine truth and lead us to believe that we are not worthy, that love comes from validation, achievement, or approval from us (as the critic) and others in our life. 
  • The truth is that the energy of love is available to us all.  If we stripped away all the nonsense of beliefs, distractions and rules imposed by society, we would soon discover that love is our natural state.  It is not separate from us, but a divine spark that comes from within our heart centre.  It holds the potential and ability to radiate, activate and experience higher vibrations. 
  • Our ability to embody love is a direct reflection of our individual and collective experiences along with our maturity at a soul level. Our directive today is to step into evolution by embodying higher levels of love within our day-to-day lives.  This allows us to embrace feelings with a priority to make love primary within our vibration.
  • We create every day in many ways in our conscious or otherwise. The goal is to help us become aware of the purity behind our behaviour, words, and thoughts.  The goal is to create with radiance and love. This goal in action will transform our lives and those around us.

We show others our best side. We do have the ability to sense the layers that are hidden within us.  If this isn’t us yet then, we must practice looking deeper.  It’s important to develop the ability to see layers with awareness and to practice discernment. In this process, we will learn to sprinkle love energy upon each of our words, thoughts, and actions.  We will learn to be neutral within our presence.