Slay The Dragon.

Slay The Dragon. 

When faced with teeth, talons, thrashing tails, fiery breath and often poisonous fumes, there’s a lot to contend with when it comes to slaying a dragon.

The first thing we have to consider when slaying a dragon is whether we are endowed with superhuman strength. If so, then almost any weapon will do. There are stories of dragon slayers using an axe or even a club to dispatch the fiery beasts, but a knight will typically use a sword.

When the shadow of fear creeps onto us, what kind of energy do we put out there? Do we hold our ground and lash at the fear? Or do we bow down to it paving the way for it to cripple us into inaction?

Fear is a universal experience; it’s part of being alive. It’s just another difficult emotion we all feel and struggle with. It’s something we all share. And yet, it’s one emotion we aren’t as familiar with as we’d like to think.

Fear senses the feeling of interest throbbing inside of us, and so it rises straight up to meet us. It tells us what we have to do. The more scared we are of work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it. If it means nothing to us, there’d be no Resistance.

Fear is how resistance manifests. And resistance is what we all naturally experience as we strive toward what we truly want. Whether that want is to slay the dragon or to publish an article in public, beneath the surface, the underlying current of fear is ever-so-present. 

Sometimes its pull is stronger than before, but that fear is omnipresent. Fear, then, is our compass, for it’s an omen guiding us onward and shining the light onto our true path of growth. 

The difference, however, is in the way we respond to fear. 

They successful use it to their advantage. Those are ones we call “brave.” They’re intimate with fear. But isn’t a brave person just a coward who went ahead and did it anyway?

Hold our ground and dare. Dare ourselves like we dare a friend. Leverage those fears to motivate ourselves into action, and watch how the energy of confidence we project, despite that fear, will shatter the fragile glass wall it’s made of.

Every act of creation is, first of all, an act of destruction. For us to make way for the new, we must first let go of the old. Likewise, a piece of us must die every time we move forward with fear.

And it’s through this courage to die, to step forward a little further than usual that we find the freedom to be reborn. Hence, it’s through the act of destruction that we create.

And that is the greatest benefit that blossoms from befriending our fears, the chance for us to move closer to the truth, our truth that we didn’t even know existed.

We’re the queen, not the pawn. We make our move, we roll the dice; we lay the dominos and decide fear is our compass, not our enemy. We become the coward who went ahead and did it anyway and watch how the world will call us brave.

Our deepest fears are like dragons guarding our deepest treasure.

Slay the dragons and we’ll discover our deepest treasure.