A Box of Chocolates.

Chocolates come in various shapes, sizes, and flavours, and they refer to the choices we make in life that will eventually shape our future. When we pick a bar of chocolate, we are choosing a path. 

The bite that we take is the journey of that choice. Is it a sweet or bitter journey? Some may find it too sweet while some too bitter. It is indeed a challenge to get that perfect bite all the time. So what do we do when we don’t like the taste of that chocolate?

Life is not about cursing our present situation every time things don’t go our way. We are the driver of our journey. How fast or slow we go depends on us, and we don’t stop. We fix things and we keep moving until we finally reach our destination. 

When we reach our goal and look back at all the difficulties we had, we realise that it was just a process we had to go through to make it worth it. Then we pick another chocolate and move on.

Everyone in life is different, their smooth coating hiding their mysterious insides, making it impossible to see the flavour until we take a bite. The hard exterior protects the soft inside, whether it be caramel, mousse, or decadent fudge. 

We are arranged perfectly in the box that we call life, only to wait to see if we are chosen for greatness or to fail and be tossed aside. We are deceived by the delicious looking outside that most chocolates have. Life cradles us until it is time to take a bite and we discover whether or not the inside is something we enjoy.

Many times, the insides are perfect. They’re nice and smooth or incredibly sweet, just the way we like it. We savour the taste in our mouths before going for the next, hoping it will be just as delicious. 

Other times, we are unfortunate enough to find those that repulse our senses. The texture isn’t right or the taste isn’t quite what we expected. We do spit it outright? Those horrid chocolates that do not meet our specific tastes are the cynics we do not get along with in life. 

Those sweet, sensual chocolates that take us to heaven are those friends with whom we’d share happy times. There are always going to be both types of people in our life, just like there are always both types of chocolates in a box. 

We can’t always control what is inside the box nor see the hidden flavours of the chocolates. However, we take our chances still and take a bite, just as we take our chances in life when meeting new people. 

Along the way, we meet several people, some of them are the chocolates that melted in our mouths, and others are the ones that make us want to get rid of the taste immediately. Still, we try them all and live our life how we want.

When we have the mindset to begin our journey with an end in mind, challenges become sweet chocolatey and make the path smoother. So next time we pick a bar of chocolate, choose wisely because life is indeed like a box of chocolates.