Rolling with the Punches.

Rolling with the punches refers to how boxers will often try to angle themselves in ways that help lessen the impact of incoming strikes. For instance, if an opponent throws a left punch, a boxer can roll with it by moving his body and head back and to the left. 

As a result, even if the punch lands, it won’t be quite as damaging as a full-contact strike. It means to adapt to the hardships one may unexpectedly run into. We do not allow difficulties or criticism to discourage us or affect us badly.

Holding on to criticism is like drinking poison and expecting our enemy to die. Embracing change and adapting is better than worrying about who moved our cheese or dwelling on how things should be. Remember that the mighty Oak breaks its branches against the wind while the Willow bends with the breeze.

Adversity is a part of life that everyone will experience during their lifetime. However, the success of life depends mainly on our response to the difficulties encountered in life. A positive mindset and attitude towards adversity is key to rolling with the punches.

We cannot define success and give it a specific definition since success has a different meaning to everyone. To create success, we need to determine our goals, the things we want to achieve in life. We need to discover the things that make us happy and then leap into faith to achieve them. 

If we have accomplished what we set out to do, then by definition, we are successful. It is a journey we choose to pave with positive thoughts. We find ourselves surrounded by like-minded individuals who fuel our success. Positivity is contagious, and who does not enjoy some good company on a road trip through life.

Every thought releases some chemical. When we generate positive ideas, we feel optimistic, cortisol decreases, and the brain produces serotonin, creating a feeling of well-being. When serotonin levels are normal, one feels happy, calmer, less anxious, more focused and more emotionally stable.

Rolling with the punches is an attainable skill, a superpower that everyone can harness. It is a belief that if we put our mind to something, we can accomplish anything. It is a powerful mindset that can benefit those around us, but things don’t always go according to plan. 

The sun does not always shine, and it’s learning how to respond when the rain comes pouring down. It is unrealistic to be positive all the time, and if we are an optimist by nature, we should deal with the negative feelings without rejecting them or bottling them up because they also form part of our pathway to success.

If we see our failures, not as failures but life lessons, we are unstoppable because no one receives an instruction guide on how to deal with life at birth. We need to walk our path and see all the life lessons as an opportunity to grow and rise above any situation we might be facing right now. 

Rolling with the punches is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results. It is our willingness to make an effort and take a risk, rather than assuming that our attempts will be unsuccessful. We learn from our mistakes and maintain perspective, forgive ourselves, and move on.