A Writing Adventure

Being a writer is an adventure. I begin by writing for myself. I start by recording memories, stories, items I have heard, here or there, stirring them all together, and coming up with amazing poems and short stories. 

Finding my voice, differentiating it from everyone else’s, and writing my style down is my journey. Little by little, I make my path. I strive to go to the less travelled path and create a new path for being a published writer. Even though there are so many writers, I strive to be different.

I strive to take my journey into writing, stir it with myself, and write with a voice so uniquely mine that I hope someday someone will want to publish my work. There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside me.

Everybody walks past many story ideas every day. The good writers are the ones who see five or six of them. Most people don’t see any.

I put my time and attention into the details of my work, and I work with my heart, hustle with my mind, and dedication to my journey. My exampled work is an image of myself and the love and desire behind what I create.

I pour my heart and soul into what I create because it is a closely tied string back to myself. It will forever be attached to me, and it will forever be a piece of who I am. 

I am never satisfied with my work. I always feel that I can do better and that my best piece is yet to be written. I believe that at least one piece gets me and it is fitting to how I feel at any moment in life.

I do not have the luxury of ignoring the voices in my head and wishing them away. They bang longer, harder, louder when ignored. I must write them down. I must begin my adventure even if I do not want to write. 

I can fight it all I want and argue with myself, but I am created to write at the end, which is why I write. There is no other choice. Sometimes the journey is the adventure and not the destination. Writing is my adventure, and being a published author is my destination.

I see flaws in my work that others can’t see because I throw in my doubt about my power to combine words to make an impact. I believe that maybe I cannot write well and by the time I am done revising there is nothing left.

It is my search for something meaningful, and a longing to create something of value. Within each writer, there exists an artist’s heart and the spirit to share that heart with the world. It is an intimate relationship that is formed between me and my readers.

I take a blind leap of faith, releasing my inner makings to the world for all to see. There is a great risk when it comes to writing, releasing content freely and openly. Content can be received graciously and given applause or simply dismembered and torn apart by my readers and reviewers.

I know what it feels like to be running a race, hit that 3rd mile when it feels like I am ready to quit, then suddenly be hit with runner’s high euphoria that helps me keep going and keep on running. In this case, to keep on writing.

May my wrong turns on this adventure be few, and may my destination be astonishing. I hope you enjoyed my words, but honestly, I wrote this from my heart.