
You may ask why I meditate, the answer to me is simple, the power of nature is all around us. I exist by its consent, so why not use this free medium that is given to each one of us at birth through breathing, and how we use this gift can have remarkable effects on our lives. My meditation essentials are peaceful surroundings, and an inner willingness to transcend into a relaxed state of mind.

On one stormy day, I entered into a relaxed state of mind while listening to the sound of thunder and lightning. In this state of consciousness, I became a part of the storm. I was instantly the lightning strike in the sky. I felt all the molecules bursting like fireworks tearing through the air as if I were those molecules.

Then again, I became the rain, a single raindrop as it fell to the ground gradually getting smaller and then being scattered into little pieces on the hot pavement.

I was at that moment the rain and lightning and I understood their nature and I realised their purpose. Soon I came back to normal awareness, and I never see storms the same anymore.

The word meditation means to become familiar with. As we become familiar with the thoughts, behaviours, and emotions of our old selves, we retire from our past behaviour. We cannot create a new future, by holding on to the emotions of the past.

Same thoughts always lead to the same choices, same choices lead to the same behaviour and the same behaviours lead to the same experiences and the same experiences produce the same emotions and these emotions drive the very same thoughts.

The true purpose of meditation is to get beyond our analytical minds and enter our subconscious minds so we can make real and permanent changes. If we get up from meditation as the same person who sat down, nothing has happened to us on any level.

Sometimes I observe the beating of my heart and its pulsation. I begin to feel the blood pulse through every vein in my body. Eventually, I feel as if I have no body and I feel the pulse move through the room. Eventually, I feel as if I have no body and I feel the pulse move through the room.

When we meditate and connect to something greater, we can create and then memorise such coherence between our thoughts and feelings that nothing in our outer reality, no person, no condition at any place or time could move us from that level of energy. Now we are mastering our environment, our body, and time.

But when we discover that meditation is not what we thought it was, we open to the celebration. The doorways within our minds and hearts open and the light is switched on, the realisation dawned that meditation requires keeping an open mind. Because when we make our mind up about something, we at once close a door to lifelong growth.

The brain is a muscle that requires exercise. The more we practice, the more adept we become at applying focus and concentration in our everyday life. 

The strength and understanding we gain make us better able to identify negative voices and thoughts in our heads. Then you can return your attention to what matters.

Life can be truly magical and fun, as we continue to learn and experience each day. Learning more about whom we open us up to the most amazing experiences we could ever imagine. Understanding the intricate connection between mind, body, and spirit allows us to truly connect, and create every aspect of our lives as we wish it to be.

Our life is an endless story we continuously discover and rediscover our eternal and mystifying selves. Being able to sit with another as they go through hardship, without feeling compelled to expound their experience, and knowing that my hardships are always a disguised blessing of potential growth. 

Being grateful to myself for every experience that comes my way, and able to enjoy simple moments, like taking a walk and appreciating the scenery.

Within all of us, we possess a level of self-awareness that can observe our thinking. We must learn how to be separate from these programs; when we do, we can wilfully have dominion over them. 

Ultimately, we can exercise control over our thoughts. In doing so, we are neurologically breaking apart thoughts that have become hardwired in our brains.