Affirmations – I AM.

So, what are Affirmations? The word “affirm” means to validate or confirm. It is a short, encouraging statement that I use to create a positive frame of mind. It is a declaration designed to create self-change that encourages me to believe certain things about myself and the world around me.

I repeat an affirmation to myself as often as I’d like before meditation and during my morning study, while at work, during workouts, and before I fall asleep. The more often I use affirmations, the more it helps reinforce my value and self-worth and it positively affects my attitude.

The words “I AM” are two of the most powerful words in the human language, it doesn’t matter the dialect or culture whatever I put behind these words, BECOMES MY REALITY. Affirmations are powerful because they speak to my present moment and are used to reprogram my subconscious mind. 

Knowing that I create my life with my thoughts is a game-changer. And knowing that I AM, are the two most powerful words I can use to create is the perfect way to wake up and start changing my life. “I AM” is loved more than I can understand. That is why I create, so I can learn how to use this gift to make a life for myself that genuinely honours my Creator.

I have the power to declare, decree, proclaim, and receive the gifts of my tongue. No one else can say “I AM” for me. No one else can speak those words over me. No one can release me but me. These words are for me and only for me to declare what I will do over my life. I am the only one who has the power and authority to speak such words for my conscious creation. It’s a fact of my existence. 

Biblically, I AM is the English translation from the Hebrew text, I AM THAT I AM. Jesus said, “I AM the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the father except through me. I am the vine; you are the branches. I AM the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning, and the end. I AM the bread of life. I AM the light of this world. I AM the resurrection of life. I AM THAT I AM!” How powerful is that…

I believe I AM a source of energy filled with beauty, power, and kindness. I AM wise, with divine energy, and awareness. I AM unlimited, filled with happiness and abundance. I AM wealthy, resourceful, determined, successful, confident, enlightened, gifted, responsible, worthy, and a light for those who need to see. I AM good. I AM who and what I say that I am…. AMEN.

My life reflects what I AM thinking and holding on to subconsciously. My subconscious mind records and remembers everything that has ever happened to me. It obeys the commands from my conscious mind. My conscious mind is the gardener who plants the seeds. My subconscious mind is the garden, or fertile soil, in which the seeds germinate and grow.

Furthermore, just like soil from mother earth has one main purpose, to grow whatever is planted beneath it, whether toxic as the nightshade plant or healing as the aloe Vera plant; my mind is no different it will grow whatever is planted in it. All my habits of thinking and acting are stored in my subconscious mind. It has memorised all my comfort zones and it works to keep me in them.

My thoughts become my belief, and my beliefs create my reality.  For the longest time, I always thought I was “Humpty Dumpty” at writing. Anytime I read one of my writings I saw errors and mistakes that didn’t exist.

Every time I got a notification on my post, my heart would fill up with dread thinking of the worst-case scenario. I knew as a writer it was super important to understand, but every time I would attempt to understand and learn, my eyes would glaze over, and I would feel stupid.

At the beginning of my writing adventure, I was afraid to push the post button. There was something about it that made me desperately nervous. Looking back, I am now self-aware enough to realise that it was a combination of being afraid to voice my opinion, being criticised, fear of been rejected, and being scared nobody cared.

The first fear to fade was the fear of being rejected because that was the fear that happened to be true. I decided I needed to grow up to become a good writer and spend some time finding my “Sweet Spot”. So, I spent time every spare time available writing and thinking in my head, “I am a pro at Writing. It comes to me Naturally, and I Love it!

It may seem lame, but I kept at it. The light bulb went off, and I finally found my “Sweet Spot.” And now, I am a total geek about the power of words, and I love it! Seeing improvements in the quality of my writing, receiving positive feedback, and having people speaking to me about how my positive attitude and my perspective on life have motivated and inspired them has been very rewarding.

Using the words, I am to change my story as a writer helped me create a new belief system where I believe I will become a published author. And the Universe brought me the right resources and people to help me create a shift in my story and shift my negative thoughts to experience what I desire.

If I use words like I am stupid, I am broke. I am never going to get ahead. I am fat. Chances are, these thoughts have led to a belief system, and I am seeing these beliefs manifest in my life. I am magical, and I can change my life by sitting down and spending some time creating powerful affirmations that will reach into my subconscious mind and help me to shift the negative beliefs within me.

I realise and understand on a soul level that I am divinely created. Part of me knows this, and I feel it resonates within me. Whether I believe in God, the Universe, or a power higher than myself, that version of a creator I hold dear is who created me. By being a piece of God, as his creation, I also have inherited the ability to create here on earth. It is one of my greatest and most beautiful gifts. But the sad truth is that most of us sleep-walk through life and never learn to use this gift.