What is your Song?

What is your Song?

There is probably not a human on earth who does not at least have some sort of vague idea of what a song is. Songs have surrounded humanity for millennia and have served as a way of expressing feelings, wants, hopes, and desires in a melodic way. 

A song is defined as a set of words or short poems meant to be sung and set to a certain type of music. Songs are written in a multitude of ways. They can be used as an expression of emotion, such as in love songs dedicated to a certain individual. They can be used to tell a story, as one would find in a song depicting the events of one’s childhood. 

They can even be used as a way of advertising certain products. Songs can have an impact in ways the spoken word simply cannot, which is why they are often used in certain situations. Songs are felt thoughts that can change us. It can shift a mood as a melody takes a hold of our minds. The singing of words can reorient us as the music compels us to fill our lungs with air and breathe out the words shaped by physical actions in our mouths.  

Our minds engage with yet-to-be-felt realities as our bodies resonate with the music and truth has an opportunity to pounce on the lies slinking within. As we go through life, we are creating our song including an intro, verses, chorus, and coda.   What is amazing is how our life song is unlike any other person’s.  So, how can we write our song to make it sound beautiful?  What will our melody sound like?

A Song is the language of the spirit. It opens our secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife, and it is a divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to our hearts. It gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.

Our song started at birth. We had a blank piece of sheet music just waiting to be written. What kinds of notes, rests, and style of music we create is totally up to us. Our life is ours to live and how we live it is our choice.  

Every intro to each person’s song will start differently.  The world needs each person’s unique melody so there are many different types of songs being sung. As we grew up, we wrote our life verses.  Each verse was different with each passing year.  

Verse 1 was about our childhood, verse 2 was about college, verse 3 was about marriage, verse 4 was about having kids, verse 5 was about our career and so on.  It is our life, so each person’s verses will look different.  Some will be sad, happy, angry, or even silly.  Our song may have only 2 verses while other people will have 20.  

Some of the best songs have the shortest lyrics so do not compare your melody to the person standing next to you. Each verse is written from life experiences, talents, backgrounds, and personalities.  Sing your verses loud and stand out from the crowd.  Remember, it is perfectly ok and wonderful to be you.

Our chorus is our life’s theme that will keep repeating over and over.  Whether we are 5 or 55, our personality will always shine through and is uniquely ours.  The theme may grow over time and change with age, but it is still ours to write.  Create the chorus so others will want to hear it when it is repeated and retold.  

There are so many different personality types from shy to outgoing and everything in between.  Our chorus may be upbeat or a slow jam, but that is what sets us apart.  The people in our life cannot wait to hear what we have written by us just being us.

The code is the end.  Every good song has a great ending.  So, as we live our lives and continue to write our songs, fill up the pages of music with melodies and harmonies that no one else has ever heard.  

Make your song stand out among the crowd and let it tell your story.  Let the ending be the best part.  Others will hear it and will want to listen to our life song again and again because of the wonderful song that we wrote.