The Battle Within.

The Battle Within.

The battle within is the fiercest battle that we shall ever face. We are made or destroyed from within ourselves. The fight is between who we are and whom we want to be, and our battleground is in the silent chambers of our soul.

  • Our soul is our spiritual dimension. It is the centre of our being and who we are. The soul embodies our motives, our principles, and our values, and it is what guides us in our lives. It is how we determine what we want our life to be.
  • By examining our soul and spirituality, we create meaning and purpose in our life. We get a better sense of who we are and what we want to achieve. We draw on the source of our soul to inspire and make us complete. The soul is where we discover the main pieces of who we are to achieve personal fulfilment.
  • Singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran overcame a stuttering problem as a child to become one of the most successful recording artists on the planet. Remarkable that someone who struggled with stuttering could wow so many people with the power of his voice. Ed Sheeran refused to give up.
  • Every day, each moment of life, each challenge, adversity and mistake, there’s something to be won. Everything loss can become a win. The magic of life is about self-discovery. We are created to find the wins, to recognise the opportunities for personal growth and to move forward wiser, more self-aware, and better prepared for our next battle.
  • If we focus and concentrate, using the power of our minds, we’ll begin the process of overcoming the things that hold us back. We’ll start to embrace the battles and view them as part of a longer journey, one that will take us to highs, lows, and everything in between.
  • Deep breathing slows our heart rate and calms our nerves. Examining our thoughts and emotions to process information more clearly is also beneficial. Together, this conscious exercise can raise awareness, reduce anxieties, fortify our self-worth, and help us differentiate between the things we can and cannot change.
  • Let ourselves feel those raw emotions, and allow whatever thoughts accompany them to fill our minds. Acceptance is a process that involves being honest with ourselves first. It’s impossible to accept something we are ashamed of or fix a problem we refuse to face.
  • Whether it’s doubt, fear, sadness, or numbness that we feel, it is important to recognise those emotions and figure out where they come from. That way, we can move past brokenness and into the realm of wholeness without experiencing denial, embarrassment, or shame.
  • To win a battle, we must know our enemies. And we must learn how to defeat them. Kindness, perseverance, gratitude, humility, and hard work are all great values that help us. Having a plan is a tremendous safeguard against downtimes and negative thoughts. This game plan will lift our spirits and keep us pointed in the direction to keep fighting on for a new day.

To be at peace mentally and emotionally, we often need to be at peace spiritually. Accepting life for what it is, and acknowledging things at face value will bring out our best to influence and impact how we want to change things. Our vision and purpose must guide us to win the battle within.