A Picture in my Mind

A Picture in my mind is a progressive realisation of a worthy ideal. Before creating a worthy picture in my mind, I must set it in place and examine the belief systems that dwell deep within me. Those beliefs dictate the degree to which I can tap into my unlimited potential and grow.

If my beliefs are limiting, my growth will be restricted, and I most likely won’t move forward towards achieving my goals. My mind will automatically create reasons why I can’t accomplish them. However, I can choose to believe with great sincerity that I can achieve my goals, and my mind will respond automatically by creating ideas that will take me on the path to my accomplishment.

A picture in my mind is when I create a worthy goal and explore the possible obstacles on the path of my goal. I create a positive mental picture and clear my mind of all distractions, so I can embrace the challenge and stay on track.

I must remember that who I am is what makes me special, and I mustn’t change that on this journey. What lies ahead will always be a mystery so I can’t be afraid to explore, and when life pushes me over which it will on the path to success, I must push back harder, so it realises that I am here to stay. Where there are choices to be made, I must make the one I won’t regret. Why things happen will never be certain, so I must take it in my stride and let it slide off my back.

Suppose I have land, and my land is good to sow whatever I want to grow. My land gives me a choice that I may plant in that land whatever I choose. My land doesn’t care what I plant and it’s up to me to make that decision. I am comparing my mind with the land because my mind is like a fertile land that is waiting for seeds to be planted.

It will return what I plant but it doesn’t care what I plant. Now let’s say that I have two seeds. On one hand, one is a seed of corn and the other is a deadly poison. I dig two little holes in my land and plant both seeds. One corn, the other poison, and I cover both holes up, and water and takes care of the land. What will happen invariably is that the land will return what’s planted.

Up comes the two plants, one corn and the other poison. My human mind is far more fertile, far more incredible, and mysterious than the land, but it works the same way it doesn’t care what I plant. Success or failure, a concrete worthwhile goal, confusion, misunderstanding, fear, anxiety, and so on. But what I plant must return to me.

My mind is the last great unexplored Covenant on Earth, it contains riches beyond my wildest dreams, and it will return anything I plant. Now I might say well if that’s true why don’t I use my mind more? The reason I don’t use my mind more is that my mind comes as standard equipment at Birth it’s free and things that are given to me for nothing. I place little value on it.

Things that I pay money for I tend to place more value on, but the Paradox is exactly the reverse is true, everything that’s worthwhile in life came to me for free. My mind, my soul, my body, my hopes, my dreams, my ambitions, my intelligence, my love of family and friends, and all these priceless possessions are free, but the things that cost me money are very cheap and can be replaced at any time.

A wealthy person can be completely wiped out and make another fortune, and they can do that several times even if my home burns down, I can rebuild it but the things I got for nothing, I can never replace.

My mind isn’t used because I take it for granted. Familiarity breeds contempt. It can do any kind of job I assign to it, but I use it for little jobs like pettiness, stress, worry, and gossip instead of big important ones like success, goals, and purpose. I operate on about 10 per cent or less of my abilities. So, I need to decide on what I want to create as a picture in my mind. It’s the most important decision I can ever make in my entire life.

What is it I want? Do I want to be an outstanding salesman?  A better worker at my job? Do I want to go places in my community? Do I want to get rich?  All I’ve got to do is plant that seed in my mind, nurture it, care for it, and work steadily towards my goal and it will become my reality. That’s the law of gravity, if you get on top of a building and jump off, you’ll always go down, you’ll never go up and it’s the same with all the other laws of nature they always work. They’re inflexible.

So, if I think about my goal in a relaxed positive way, picture myself and my mind’s eyes having already achieved this goal, and see myself doing the things I will be doing when I’ve reached my goal.

Far too many of us worry ourselves into an early grave trying to cope with things in our own little personal ways without learning a few great laws that will take care of everything for us. These things we bring on ourselves through our habitual way of thinking. Every one of us is the sum of his or her thoughts. We are where we are because that’s exactly where we want to be whether we admit that or not.

Each of us must live off the fruit of our thoughts in the future because what we think today, and tomorrow, next month, and the next year will mould our life and determine our future. We’re guided by our mind, and I remember one time I was driving through the A508 to Northampton, and I saw one of those giant earth-moving machines roaring along the road at about 15 miles an hour with what looked like 30 tons of Dirt.

In this tremendous incredible machine was a little man perched way up on top with the steering wheel in his hands guiding it, and as I drove along, I was struck by the similarity of that machine to the human mind. Just suppose I was sitting at the controls of such a vast source of energy, am I going to sit back and fold my arms and sing Hallelujah and let it run itself into a ditch or am I going to keep both hands firmly on the wheel of control and direct this power to a specific worthwhile purpose.

The very law that gives me success is a two-edged sword. I must control my thinking with the same rule that can lead me to a life of success, wealth, happiness and all the things I ever dreamed of for myself and my family, and the very same walk can lead me into a gutter if I think negatively.